Parent Rep & Teacher Liaison

Our P&C coordinates the ‘Parent Rep’ program. Each year, every class has an allocated class parent/s whose role it is to communicate important class notices, and coordinate class playdates. Read on to find out more about being a Parent Rep and how all parents can get more involved with their child’s class activities through the year.

The role

Being a Parent Rep is an important and rewarding role that helps foster community spirit and cooperation between the school and P&C. It is a great way to get to know other parents and your child’s teacher. You’ll also be supported by the Class Parent Coordinator and through communications with your fellow class parents.

Class contact list and email communications

The Parent Rep circulates a list of children in the class which includes the parents’/guardians’ names and any contact details that parents/guardians authorise the P&C to share.  The P&C class lists are not generated from the school due to privacy and are formulated each year.  Should parents on the list change their details the Parent Rep should inform them to notify the school directly.

If some parents have not provided email contact details, the Parent Rep could ask the teacher to give a child a note requesting contact details for the purpose of class activities. The Parent Rep may print copies of some class emails and ask the teacher to pop these into any child’s bags whose contact details are incomplete, eg if you are organising a class play in the park.

Class Contact List Template

Teacher gifts

At the end of the year, Parent Rep’s customarily organise a collection (about $10-20) from each child in the class and buy a class present for the teacher.

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